Sunday 29 December 2013

Tangle Teezer review

For Christmas I put a Tangle Teezer on my Christmas list as I've heard so many good things about them and my wonderful mother got me one. They cost £10.20 which I suppose is quite pricey but once you try one out you realise why there expensive, because they work so damn well! The Tangle Teezer really does go through tangles and knots easily without struggle. The most impressive part about this brush is that it brushes through wet hair, AHMEN! My hair is so knotty and hard to brush when it's wet but now I found the solution, the brush doesn't pull your hair or hurt at all; saying that everyone has different hair thickness so it may not work for everyone.

So if your looking for a good quality brush Ide defiantly go for the Tangle Teezer and the plastic is good quality so it shouldn't snap or break easily. They are available in SO many colours and styles, mine is the original. 

I hope this post was helpful to you and let me know what you think about the Tangle Teezer if you own one! 

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